
๐ŸŽญ Mockery

Mockery is a tool for creating a mock API from a Open API Specification (OAS or Swagger), it runs a HTTP listener accepting requests based on the provided spec. It will parse the OAS document and discover paths, responses, schemas etc and configure handlers to respond accordingly. Currently it supports v2 of Swagger/OAS. It is written in Go and uses the Chi router & mux

It can be use to act as mock or placeholder server for testing, mocking, or other uses cases when the real API endpoint is not available.

It goes beyond providing simple empty HTTP responses, and will use any examples discovered in the OAS to provide a JSON payload response back, obviously these responses are static, however they do increase the usefulness of the API tremendously.

CI Pipeline

screen shot

๐Ÿ’พ Install & Run

Download Binary

Binaries are available as GitHub releases

Quick download on Linux

wget -O mockery
chmod +x ./mockery

Run From Container

A container image is available on GitHub. You will need to mount ot inject the directory where your OAS spec file is located and supply that as an argument when running, for example:

docker run -v ./some_directory:/specs \
 -p 8000:8000 \ -f /specs/swagger.json

Go Install

Install from source if you have Go on your machine

go install
mv $(go env GOPATH)/bin/cmd ~/.local/bin/mockery

๐Ÿ’ป Usage

Mockery is a command line tool, with only a handful of arguments. You must provide an OpenAPI spec file with either -file or -f. By default the services will start and listen on port 8000

  -api-key string
        Enable API key authentication
  -cert-path string
        Path to directory wth cert.pem & key.pem to enable TLS
  -f string
        OpenAPI spec file in JSON or YAML format. REQUIRED
  -file string
        OpenAPI spec file in JSON or YAML format. REQUIRED
  -log-level string
        Log level: debug, info, warn, error (default "info")
  -port int
        Port to run mock server on (default 8000)


Configuration can be provided as command line arguments as described above, in addition environmental variables can also be set & used, these will override any set on the command line

Variable name Matching argument
PORT -port
LOG_LEVEL -log-level
API_KEY -api-key
CERT_PATH -cert-path

๐Ÿงฉ Response Handling Logic

The OAS spec is parsed and used with the following logic:

๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ’ป Developer Guide


A makefile acts as the frontend & guide to working locally with the project, running make install-tools will install required dev tools locally. The other targets are fairly self explanatory. All Go source is in cmd/ and single โ€˜mainโ€™ package for simplicity

$ make

help                 ๐Ÿ’ฌ This help message :)
install-tools        ๐Ÿ”ฎ Install dev tools into project .tools directory
lint                 ๐Ÿ” Lint & format check only, sets exit code on error for CI
lint-fix             ๐Ÿ“ Lint & format, attempts to fix errors & modify code
image                ๐Ÿ“ฆ Build container image from Dockerfile
push                 ๐Ÿ“ค Push container image to registry
build                ๐Ÿ”จ Build binaries for all platforms
run                  ๐Ÿƒ Test and hotreload the app
clean                ๐Ÿงน Clean up, remove dev data and files
release              ๐Ÿš€ Release a new version on GitHub

Common Dev Tasks


Make sure you have run make install-tools first

make lint

Building & Pushing Images

Set the tag you want to build & push and run

IMAGE_TAG=x.y.z make image push

Releasing to GitHub

Set the version you want to release and run

VERSION=x.y.z make release