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Deployment of Dapr Store to Kubernetes

This is a brief guide to deploying Dapr Store to Kubernetes.


This guide does not cover more advanced deployment scenarios such as deploying behind a DNS name, or with HTTPS enabled or with used identity enabled.

For more details see the documentation for the Dapr Store Helm chart

🥾 Initial Setup

Deploy Dapr to Kubernetes

Skip this if the Dapr control plane is already deployed

dapr init --kubernetes
kubectl get pod --namespace dapr-system

Full instructions here:

Optional - If you wish to view or check the Dapr dashboard

kubectl port-forward deploy/dapr-dashboard --namespace dapr-system 8080:8080

Open the dashboard at http://localhost:8080/

Create namespace for Dapr Store app

kubectl create namespace $namespace

Add Helm repos

helm repo add bitnami
helm repo add ingress-nginx
helm repo update

💾 Deploy Redis

helm install dapr-redis bitnami/redis --values deploy/config/redis-values.yaml --namespace $namespace

Validate & check status

helm list --namespace $namespace
kubectl get pod daprstore-redis-master-0 --namespace $namespace

🌐 Deploy NGINX Ingress Controller (API Gateway)

helm install api-gateway ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --values deploy/config/ingress-values.yaml --namespace $namespace

Validate & check status

helm list --namespace $namespace
kubectl get pod -l --namespace $namespace
kubectl get svc --namespace $namespace

🚀 Deploy Dapr Store

Now deploy the Dapr Store application and all services using Helm

helm install store ./deploy/helm/daprstore --namespace $namespace

Validate & check status

helm list --namespace $namespace
kubectl get pod -l --namespace $namespace

To get the URL of the deployed store run the following command:

echo -e "Access Dapr Store here: http://$(kubectl get svc -l "purpose=daprstore-api-gateway" -o jsonpath="{.items[0].status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}")/"