Class LightPoint


  • Create a default point light, positioned at the world origin


    • position: XYZ

      Position of the light in world space

    • colour: RGB

      Colour of the light

    • constant: number = 0.5

      Attenuation constant drop off rate, default 0.5

    • linear: number = 0.018

      Attenuation linear drop off rate, default 0.018

    • quad: number = 0.0003

      Attenuation quadratic drop off rate, default 0.0003

    Returns LightPoint


ambient: RGB

Ambient colour of the light. Normally none for point lights. Default [0, 0, 0]

colour: RGB

Colour of the light. Default: [1, 1, 1]

constant: number

Light attenuation parameter for constant drop off rate. Default: 0.5

enabled: boolean

Is this light enabled? Default: true

linear: number

Light attenuation parameter for linear drop off rate. Default: 0.018

metadata: Record<string, string | number | boolean>

Metadata is a key/value store for any extra data you want to store on a node

position: XYZ

Position of the light in world space.

quad: number

Light attenuation parameter for quadratic drop off rate. Default: 0.0003


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